The only constant is change; Information is perishable
A 2017 HBR article states: Among other benefits, having an effective "data" strategy promotes improved revenue, pricing and operating expenses, aids in the creation of new products and services, streamlines business processes, aids in the development of insight through analytics and generates ROI on Big Data and infrastructure. But,
The key word in this discussion: While a data strategy can be effective, the output of an enterprises' resources committed to such a plan may omit this phase to allow improved collection and categorization of information - the bridge in an evolutionary process from data, to information, to actionable intelligence.
Point of Sale (POS) and order data entry are critical "front-end" factors in an information strategy. Some thoughts:
Information system (substance) design
based on initial data evaluation/analysis
As part of a data audit process and governance:
DatabaseDNA will guide you through this transformation / enhancement process:
With 20 plus years of experience in qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, database structuring and analysis, information auditing, sales operations and strategy and resource re-allocation, we can develop information models and processes with lessons learned from the development and executed solutions of:
Improving process and information-based policy development, decision-making and execution.